naked white

Three cheers for the everyday wine! Entertaining, broken down to the essentials and seriously uncomplicated. An everyday wine functions in much the same
fashion. While the Naked White initially comes along on tiptoe in the nose, it perches on the palate putting the whole foot into play... Its
main protagonists, Weissburgunder & Chardonnay, give it a creamy texture, while the Welschriesling happily overcomes any drinking
resistance and throws a pinch of lemon zest into the glass. Unadulterated, straightforward & precise.
The “naked white” is sourced from both sides of the Neusiedler See (Lake Neusiedl). On the west side, vines are rooted in the limestone and schist of the Leithaberg (Leitha Mountains) slopes – on the east side of the lake vines in the gravelly Parndorfer Platte (Parndorfer
Plain) and humus-rich Heideboden.
Bottled according to biodynamic principles and the eternal cycle of nature, with conscientious manual labour and great attention to detail.