Blaufränkisch Leithaberg DAC

The entire gamut of cherry is deconstructed in a purple and lusty fashion, yet this wine winks mischievously and simply refuses onedimensional fruitiness. The earthy depth of peaty autumn leaves and fresh truffles, peppery spice, and roasted root vegetables reveal further dimensions. One is inspired to immediately roast a leg of lamb, which would certainly do this wine justice, for it requires time and air to open. And indeed, Blaufränkisch is truly the only vehicle that could express this terroir so effectively.
This Blaufränkisch stems from old vineyards on the Leithaberg (Leitha Mountain) slopes in Jois, Winden and Breitenbrunn that face southeast toward Neusiedler See (Lake Neusiedl). The soils comprise the fossil-rich limestone, calcareous sandstone, and mica schist that are so typical for the region.
Bottled with conscientious handcraft and great care throughout the entire life cycle.